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Healthy water is needed

Healthy water is so important to life. When you have access to healthy water you enjoy better health, lower inflammation, and more energy.

There is much research about the long-term effects of drinking healthy water (and lots of it) during your lifetime! In many countries there is a deep understanding that drinking water and eating healthy directly affect the average lifespan of their citizens. Countries in Asia correlate the health of their people to drinking water as well as healthy eating, and boast life expectancies 7-years longer than in the USA!

So let’s talk about the definition of healthy water;

o Healthy water must be free of contaminants, natural and man-made

o It should have a neutral to alkaline pH so as not to contribute to excess acidity in your body

o Its molecules should be smaller in order to aid in hydration and its absorption throughout the body

o It should have a significant amount hydrogen molecules, so that it is ionized and strong in electrolytes

o It must have antioxidant properties

When we compare the above list with most water supplies available to us, not many satisfy all of these requirements, and would not pass the test in classing as healthy water.

In our modern world many pollutants surround us, and balancing our body to ensure we don’t become contaminated by them is more important than ever.

Over the last two decades, we’ve become more aware of the importance of antioxidants in our diet. We buy antioxidant foods, our fruit & veggie smoothies are antioxidant, and we take antioxidant supplements. But what does the word antioxidant mean? It is a very important scientific word, and not just a word that is part of marketing a berry extract.

There is another word we should consider. That word is “radical”… no, not the “Radical left/Radical right” kind of Radical… but still a word with negative connotations! In our body we have Free Radicals. These radicals may be worse than the political ones! Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules that have an uneven number of electrons. Now this may sound very scientific, but it basically means these free radicals want to stabilize themselves, and to compensate for the missing electron, they damage our healthy cells by stealing that needed electron. This causes oxidation or oxidative stress on our body.

Oxidation causes a ripple effect of negative stress on our body, causing basic concerns such as early signs of aging, lowered muscle energy, issues with cognitive focus, just to name a few. It also causes big concerns like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and neuro-degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

As someone who suffers from neuropathy and fatigue, I notice the effects of oxidative stress in real time! This dessert-lover now turns down sweet treats after dinner because within a couple of hours I will feel the effects tingling in my hands or feet! And if I indulge in processed foods with too much sodium, within a few hours I experience muscle spasms or cramps from the dehydration. On one hand you could say that I am in a battle with my body to stay healthy, on the other hand I argue that my body and I have never communicated better and been in more sync. If I expose it to these unwanted free radicals, it immediately finds a way to let me know!

It is actually a simple fix to address oxidative stress. We need to do two things to help our body. Firstly, LOWER our exposure to Free Radicals, and secondly INCREASE our exposure to Anti-oxidants. Antioxidants basically have an extra, spare electron, so they can deliver the missing electron to the Free Radicals, without compromising themselves.

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Water, means different things to different people.

To the novelist D. H. Lawrence, water was mysterious.  It is “hydrogen two parts, oxygen one, but there is also a third thing, that makes it water and nobody knows what that is.”

To the anthropologist Loren Eiseley, water was supernatural: “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”

And to the ancient Greek poet Pindar, water was quite simply “the best of all things.”

But for millions of people in the developing world – especially women and girls – water means a daily struggle to trek to a source, carry fifty pounds of it home, and then hope against hope that drinking it won’t make a family member sick or die.

For millions of poor farmers, water means the difference between hunger and a full belly, and between a well-nourished child and one stunted from malnutrition.  Without a way to access irrigation water or store enough rainwater in the soil, the long dry season is often a trying time of one meal a day.

For river people around the world, who rely on fish for protein and income, water is home to the aquatic life that sustains them, day in and day out.

Water is essential to all of life, and to all of our lives.  And so it is fitting that once a year, on March 22, the world takes a moment to celebrate and contemplate this magical, mysterious, essential, life-giving compound called H2O.

The idea for an International World Water Day crystallized at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, and the next year, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly designated March 22, 1993 as the first World Water Day.

Every year since then the UN has selected a different water theme for the day.  Past themes have focused on water and cities, culture, sanitation, pollution, disasters and trans-boundary cooperation. This year’s theme is water and food security, with the tag line: “the world is thirsty because we are hungry.”

Demographers project that the world will add another one billion people by 2025.  That means, between now and then, an additional 210,000 people will join the global dinner table every night.  At the same time, many millions will achieve incomes sufficient to add more meat to their diets.  Because it takes water to grow the grain to feed the cows, pigs and chickens, this means the water footprint of that global dinner table could rise considerably faster than population growth.

I ran some numbers.  Under some quite conservative assumptions, it could take an additional1,314 billion cubic meters of water per year – equal to the annual flow of 73 Colorado rivers – to meet the world’s dietary needs in 2025.

That’s a disheartening prospect. Where in the world can we find affordable farm water equivalent to 73 Colorado Rivers without hastening the depletion of rivers, lakes and aquifers?

But maybe that’s not the right question.  If the goal is to meet the world’s food needs sustainably, the question we should ask is, how do we provide healthy diets for eight billion people without going deeper into water debt?

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What health hacks should everyone know?

Always sleep on your left side.LT700P Water Filters

All my life my mom has always told me ‘sleep on your left ear.’ But she never explained why?

Anything happens, whether I am having gas, headaches, cramps or fever, my mother always advised to sleep on the left side.

I found this reason on the Internet.

This habit has benefits mainly related to our digestion process.

  • Better Elimination

The small intestine dumps waste through the ileocecal valve (ICV) on the right side of the body into the beginning of the large intestine. The large intestine travels up the right side of your belly the across the tummy, where it dumps waste into the descending colon on the left side.

Sleeping on the left side allows gravity to encourage the food waste to move more easily from the small intestine into the large intestine through the ICV. DA29-00003G Water Filters

As the night wears on and you continue to sleep on your left side, the waste moves more easily into the descending colon. With the help of gravity and a good night’s sleep on the left the side, the descending colon is full of waste to easily eliminate completely each morning.

  • Better Heart Function

Sleeping on the left also allows much of the intestines to hang away from the very thin-walled inferior vena cava (IVC) which brings venous blood back toward the heart. Interestingly, the IVC lies against the right side of the spine, so when you lie on the left much of the viscera falls away from the IVC. Here again, gravity is just making the heart’s job a little easier. WF3CB Water Filters

  • Ever Feel Sleepy After a Big Meal?

In Ayurveda , it is common practice to rest on the left side of the body after taking a meal. Ayurveda suggests a short, ten minute rest on the left side to help the body properly digest the food.

The stomach and the pancreas (which make digestive enzymes) hang like slings on the left side. When you lie on the left side, the stomach and pancreas hang naturally, allowing for optimal and efficient digestion. The food is encouraged to move through the stomach naturally and the pancreatic enzymes are released as needed rather than all at once, which might happen more easily than if you were on the right side with the pull of gravity.

If you lie on the right side, the stomach and pancreas will hang in a somewhat unnatural position, forcing them to empty their contents prematurely. ULTRAWF Water Filters

  • Other benefits :
  • Facilitate lymphatic drainage.
  • Support healthy spleen function.
  • Encourages proper digestion.
  • Helps circulation back to the heart.
  • Helps bile flow more freely.
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If You’re Suddenly Not Losing Weight With Intermittent Fasting, You Should Read This

If you’ve tried intermittent fasting (IF), you’ve probably noticed some changes, both in your energy and focus and on the scale. But like any other diet or lifestyle change, IF often comes with a period of plateau following those initial results, and figuring out how to break through it can be challenging. Karen Cooney, a registered dietitian for The Vitamin Shoppe, told POPSUGAR exactly what to do when IF stops working so you can keep making progress toward your goals. EDR3RXD1 water filter

First, you need to evaluate what you’re eating. “The main reason IF may stop working for someone is because they feel it gives them a license to eat anything — mostly junk foods,” Karen explained. Because IF is an eating pattern rather than a diet, you aren’t given a list of specific foods to eat or avoid. “You obviously can eat more when doing IF then other types of diets, but if you overindulge on unhealthy foods while doing it, you will stop the weight loss and possibly put on fat,” she said. kenmore 9081
But while you don’t want to load up on junk, you still need to get enough calories to make IF successful. “If you’re in a caloric deficit for too long, your body will hold on to what you eat,” Karen said. “You need to make sure you’re giving your body the energy and nutrients it needs.” To do this, she recommends reevaluating how much you’re eating during your IF window, with a focus on quality nutrients over processed foods. Karen also stressed the importance of getting enough protein, since it helps maintain muscle mass, which will prevent your metabolism from slowing down.

Finally, consider changing things up. “Switch up your feeding window, or you can switch to alternate days fasting,” Karen told POPSUGAR. “At the very least, incorporate one non-fasting day to help reset your metabolism.” Just be sure to avoid something called refeeding syndrome, in which you eat too much too quickly after fasting. “While fasting, your electrolyte levels (like sodium, magnesium, and potassium) change as well as other hormones like insulin,” she said. “If you refeed too quickly, it can abruptly alter these levels causing symptoms like fatigue, weakness, confusion, high blood pressure, and more.”
When practicing IF, Karen suggests supplementing with electrolytes to help keep your body’s levels stabilized and prevent you from falling into a refeeding cycle, which can leave you feeling crummyand less likely to stick to your plan. 4396841 water filter

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Selecting a household water filtration method

Product crazes arise in virtually every retail market there is, including home goods and kitchen appliances. WHIRLPOOL kenmore 9083 As such, it’s no surprise that the debut of consumer-grade water filtration systems, be they filtered pitchers or accessories that were mounted to the end of a kitchen sink’s faucet, attracted considerable attention – before eventually becoming fairly commonplace rather than some sort of status symbol. These days, high-end refrigerators link to a house’s plumbing, filtering and dispensing cold tap water right from a spout on their doors. 

Removed from the initial hype, choosing a water filter should be much easier. You’ll want to address a few essential considerations when doing so:

Assess your water
According to Consumer Reports, it’s best to either or obtain data from the latest results of its annual assessment, which all community water providers must complete once a year.

If testing yourself, buy a kit from your local hardware or home improvement retailer, or acquire one from the state or municipal health department that serves your community. Be on the lookout for lead in the water, which can facilitate the spread of Legionnaire’s disease. (Aside from filtration, also consider an alternative water heating method that’s proven to kill Legionnaire’s-causing bacteria, such as electric tankless water heaters.)

Filters can considerably improve household water quality – if they’re eliminating the right substances. kenmore refrigerator water filter

Essential filter functions
National Geographic pointed out that more than 60 million people in the U.S. have consumed drinking water containing thousands of unregulated chemicals in various parts-per-million measurements, many, though not all of them, small. In light of this, whichever filter you buy should bear the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation. Much like the Department of Energy’s ENERGY STAR program, the NSF tests water filters and similar appliances according to its comprehensive safety standards.

Ideally, the filter should eliminate lead, harmful parasites and other micro-organisms, chlorine and its variants, radon, and other pharmaceutical or industrial chemicals. 

Choose by filtration before form
When choosing between countertop, faucet-mounted and carafe water filter styles, it’s solely an aesthetic matter. How the appliance handles filtration is more important. 

Carbon filters eliminate or drastically reduce the presence of all substances noted above and more. By virtue of its porousness, carbon lets water through the filter while stopping contaminants. Reverse-osmosis filters can remove the most chemicals and impurities, but are more expensive and can waste water, according to National Geographic. Finally, ultraviolet filters use UV light to kill bacteria and parasites but aren’t proven to remove other chemicals and are quite expensive – some models sell for more than $500.  water filter

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How Many Toxins in the Water?


What’s in your water? Is it 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen (H20) or even a bit bicarbonate of soda, salt, or sulfate (valuable minerals) or however regarding salt, hexavalent metallic element, bisphenol A, chlorine, and herbicide (common toxins in water). Most people would really like to mention simply plain liquid with a bit little bit of valuable minerals, however likelihood is this can be not the case! Your brain starts spinning, “What?”, you ask. “If i am not water, then what am I drinking?”. Well, possibly you get a bit additional bonus of poisons with each glass or bottle of water. Sounds nice, huh? You will suppose, “well, it hasn’t settled Maine however therefore I am doing ok.” or “my oldsters and brother square measure ok, therefore my water should be not be laced with cyanogenetic chemicals”. However if you’re battling chronic fatigue or unwellness likelihood is these toxins do a lot of harm than you may imagine. When managing the incapacitating effects of chronic fatigue and therefore the likes I actually have return to a comparatively logical rationalization, and that I positive that you just have considered this before. Most are created otherwise. Some things (toxins) result everybody otherwise and for the worn-out ones, such as you and that I, they appear to result North American nation the foremost. Lucky us, right. We have a tendency to is also unlucky, however we’ve got been given the chance to squeeze out impurities in our life and for the higher. We have a tendency to should assess what we have a tendency to eat, drink, and expose ourselves to. Every web log post can hopefully provide insight to minor details that might doubtless be holding North American nation back from optimum health. Through my journey with fatigue I started queries everything in search of a solution. One item that never crossed my mind, however, it was my water supply till one night I woke to induce a drink of water. That night my style buds were very sensitive. As I drank my time of day water I tasted atomic number 17. Yuck! It had been like pure pool water. This perplexed Maine as a result of I had simply filtered my water through a spanking new Brita filter. I believed “This cannot be healthy for my body?”. That the question began.               W10295370A Water Filters

Water. The essence of life. The building block of our civilization. Without it, we might be nothing. Within the New World, it’s become tougher and tougher to search out pure uncontaminated water. Why is this? In fact like everything here there’s several reasons and like forever all have logical explanations for rearing their cyanogenetic head. We are going to uncover many toxins and therefore the reason we discover them in our water. We are going to discover simply however vulnerable our water system is and our bodies.

Perchlorate. What’s it? However, will it create its approach into our water? Salt could be a chemical salt found in several synthetic items; rocket propellant, fireworks, flares, explosives, bleach, and a few fertilizers. Salt is additionally a present substance. Detectable levels of salt are found in many states drinking and groundwater, possibly from fertilizers and fireworks. It’s conjointly been found in cow’s milk that could be a results of drinking contaminated water provides. This substance has been used for several years to treat adenosis or Associate in Nursing active thyroid. It’s accustomed inhibit production of hormones and cut back the uptake of iodine by the thyroid. Iodine is that the preferred substance found within the thyroid. If you perpetually ingest salt from water and do not suffer from adenosis then your thyroid is continually being restricted to supply less hormones. These hormones square measure obligatory for energy metabolism and immunity health. There’s excellent news, however, once intake of salt is stopped it no long contains a burden on your body. It’s excreted and ne’er to be found. A lot of excellent news, the independent agency (environment protection agency) has recently place a limit on the quantity of salt found in our water. Bad news, that it’s still in detectable in our water. I am not too positive regarding you, however i need no a part of this chemical touching my body. I will let my body do the regulation of hormones not some chemical.            W10295370A 

Hexavalent metallic element is up next. This tiny guy is found in several metal and textile factories. It’s used as a textile dye, wood preserver, anti-corrosive, and in steel producing. H. metallic element is typically applied to metallic element, zinc, cadmium, copper, silver, metallic element and tin to forestall rust or reaction. It’s an important metal and extremely absorbed by the body and poorly excreted. Hexavalent metallic element leaks from these factories into the environment then into our water. The independent agency has not place any legal limit on the quantity of metallic element found in our water as of however. Hexavalent metallic element placed within the water of laboratory rats has shown to cause cancer. Not only that, however a study in China verified that a rise in hexavalent metallic element was directly proportional to duct and abdomen cancers. The a lot of hexavalent metallic element the upper the danger for cancer. Am I able to have some in my water please? Kidding, this can be uncalled for and as a developed nation we should always never see these poison in our water, ever! However its been found and not only one time, 35 times in yankee cities. That is outrageous. And that we have solely been searching for it recently, imagine the years we have a tendency to unknowing consumed this garbage. Yuck. Here some excellent news, well variety of, the independent agency is within the method of understanding legal limits. And in fact some unhealthy news, it will still be found at high levels in our water while not limitations. Hmmmm causes you to surprise what else is in our water. Can we dare notice out?

Bisphenol A or BPA (that does not even sound healthy) could be a chemical made and employed in the assembly of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. It is found during a kind of items; water bottles, kid bottles, bottle A-one, water system pipes, sporting goods, dental fillings and sealants, Cds/DVDs, Tupperware, coatings on the within of canned foods and beverages, and plastic natural philosophy. From this list I’m nearly 100% positive you have got been exposed to the current chemical in one type or another. That’s a foul factor as a result of BPA could be a known endocrine disruptor. It will mimic the body’s own hormones specifically steroid hormone and throw off the balance of valuable hormones. For those of you UN agency do not know hormones play a large role in chronic fatigue and energy metabolism. The slight modification, particularly in sensitive people, will result in biological disruption. BPA is most free in plastics and canned liners at higher heat, make sure to avoid heating all plastics. There square measure many ways in which to inform if you plastic has been factory-made with BPA or not. This may be lined in additional detail in later posts, stay tuned. BPA has been strictly studied and therefore the effects it’s on the physical structure, most notably effects on infants and prenatal exposure. That at high levels is shown to steer to medicine difficulties later in life. Wikipedia states the subsequent “A 2011 study that investigated the quantity of chemicals pregnant ladies square measure exposed to within the U.S. found BPA in ninety six of ladies.” That being aforementioned it’s quite probably that you just are exposed to the current chemical and it’s affected you in a method or another. North American nation believes that this chemical is unhealthy, such a lot so they need declared it as a cyanogenetic substance! Watch out the xenoestrogen, BPA, is on the prowl. Arm up and take away in any respect price. The markings below is found on plastics containing BPA. Removal of BPA plastics that bit food or beverages could be a wise call, particularly if you have got chronic fatigue and a sensitive body.         water filters

What else will we discover in our water? Let’s have a look at here. Chlorine. Well, this can be just about a given. We have a tendency to all are aware of it is in our water and permanently reason: kill nasty microorganism and parasites. However let’s examine what it truly will to our bodies and if it’s extremely keeping North American nation safe. As we all know atomic number 17 could be a excellent killer of microorganism. It’s additional to our water sources as a disinfectant and permanently reason. Before the atomic number 17 days, thousands of individuals lived in worry of waterborne diseases. It had been common to lose family and friends to Asiatic cholera, e. Coli, dysentery, infectious disease, and parasites. Its no surprise why we have a tendency to started adding this miracle to our water. However, it’s not fully safe. Since atomic number 17 is found in our water and pools it’s extremely eaten. Being an honest disinfectant, the atomic number 17 can kill most microorganism it comes into contact with. Our gut and intestines square measure created from billions of helpful microorganism. The a lot of atomic number 17 we have a tendency to consume the a lot of microorganism it kills. This ends up in irritable viscus (IBS), nausea, and reduce nutrient absorption and that is simply the beginning. Atomic number 17 not only kills helpful microorganism, however, it reacts with chemicals with organic matter among your water and body. Like several chemical action, there’s forever a by-product. This product being trihalomethanes (THMs) one amongst that is chloroform. If truth this can be a widely known attribute of atomic number 17 and any disinfectant (label as “disinfectant by-product”). THMs square measure known carcinogens and potent toxins. Of course, the independent agency is cognizant of those “by-products” and have set a “safe” limit, however, all over again (a reoccurring theme) ,however, safe is safe. I actually would like the limit was a giant fat zero, however which will ne’er happen. The independent agency is aware and does not do something to get rid of these potent carcinogens. Not solely will they be found in abundance in our water, however, anyplace there’s atomic number 17. Pools and showers have shown to supply a major range of THMs (as vapor) that square measure without delay indrawn and absorbed within the blood. Tests have shown that swimmers have Associate in Nursing eightieth absorption rate of Master of Theology through their skin. Makes Maine never need to swim during a pool once more. THMs, like chloroform (which is unleash once atomic number 17 mixes with excretion, sweat, hair, or skin), is shown to lower levels of androgen in each male and females. I do need to ingeminate, however, the dangers of victimization atomic number 17 so much out approach the risk of not victimization. I created this post to supply the facts so you’re aware and question what you’re truly drinking. Some individuals go as so much on filter all water coming into their house to get rid of massive amounts of atomic number 17. I, however, have simply chosen a viable water supply for drinking. Regular recent town water continues to be used showering and laundry. As for swimming, I live by the ocean so can fulfill, I currently cross-check pools otherwise and hesitate before coming into. Indoor pools and spas I will hardly stand due to the hideous smell. Being inveterately poisoned/chronically fatigue I try and minimize my exposure to the current poison the maximum amount as potential as you must, too. Keep your eyes out for atomic number 17, if you’ll be able to style it or smell it, it’s possibly not healthy, drink only pure reversed diffusion carbon filtered water.             refrigerator water filters

Last, however, in no way least, atrazine; Associate in Nursing organic chemical wide employed in the North American nation and round the world. It’s truly the foremost wide used chemical used nowadays as a result of it’s each extremely effective and low cost. Regrettable it’s a known poison and located in many water sources round the world and within the North American nation. The result weed killer has on the physical structure square measure profound. Therefore profound that the ecu Union has illegal the utilization of weed killer, the North American nation and alternative countries have however to. That is weird, right? Herbicide, like several of the previous toxins, could be a known endocrine disruptor and shown to lower sperm cell count in men. Not only will it have an effect on male hormones, however has shown to have an effect on women’s emission cycles and steroid hormone levels. Herbicide is very potent. Several animals have a fatal limit related to weed killer. That’s if they’re exposed to such a lot weed killer they die! If this chemical kills animals, what does one suppose it will to humans? Herbicide continues to be found in many cities tap and water. The independent agency has set a “safe” limit related to weed killer, however does one extremely suppose that it’s safe to consume any of this stuff? Corn farms often use herbicide to stay weeds and unwanted herbs out. The map below shows simply what quantity herbicide is employed throughout the U.S. do not forget that this chemical has been illegal by Europe and told to be illegal by several soul.

All in all, I originally wrote this post to reveal atomic number 17 in our water system. When abundant analysis, I stumbled upon not simply atomic number 17 in our water, however heaps of alternative toxins, pesticides, herbicides, and contaminates. We actually cannot trust something or anyone. We have a tendency to should question everything. I developed this website to rouse light-weight these irregularities in our world and to create individuals aware that they’ll be poisoned ever slowly. I actually believe that fatigue and a weakened system is essentially caused by environmental toxins and therefore the likes. Our bodies square measure operating overtime to touch upon unnatural foreign contaminates when see you later it starts to induce wiped out and that we become worn-out, sensitive, and full with stress. Yes, some fatigue is also caused by viruses and diseases, however if we have a tendency to fail to convey our bodies what they have (clean water, clean air, clean food) we are going to fail to recover, therefore viruses activate inflicting a endless cycle of fatigue, illness, and pain. Provide your body what it desires, place your health as high priority, with health something is feasible. Keep robust, modify your way and gain on this beast of a unwellness. you’ll be able to know, I actually have and never thought potential, daily I still eliminate a lot of and a lot of toxins from my way and body. I actually have seen large effects on my health, well being, and temperament. you may too, simply keep on with it.

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The 25 U.S. Cities with the Worst Drinking Water

child is drinking water

AS an old saying goes “Water is the source of life”

While most municipal water sources in America have sterling track records of filtering out such nasty stuff, not all cities are great in this regard. Herewith, we’ve compiled the worst of the worst of the 200 largest cities in America. (Note the “largest;” hence no Flint, Michigan.) So read on to learn about the places where you may want to buy your own filter. And for the best of the best when it comes to tap water,

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Reno, NV

Number of Contaminants: 11

Other Detected Contaminants: 14

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:46

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 46

Dirty Water Score: 57.42


Pomona, CA

Number of Contaminants: 10

Other Detected Contaminants: 18

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:11

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 1

Dirty Water Score: 56.73


Corona, CA

Number of Contaminants: 12

Other Detected Contaminants: 13

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:11

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 1

Dirty Water Score: 56.70 W10295370A water filter


Arlington, TX

Number of Contaminants: 9

Other Detected Contaminants: 21

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 56.01



Bakersfield, CA

Number of Contaminants: 6

Other Detected Contaminants: 29

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:11

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 1

Dirty Water Score: 55.79


Fresno, CA

Number of Contaminants: 9

Other Detected Contaminants: 22

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:11

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 1

Dirty Water Score: 55.25


Irvine, CA

Number of Contaminants: 11

Other Detected Contaminants: 17

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:11

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 1

Dirty Water Score: 55.22


Grand Prairie, TX

Number of Contaminants: 9

Other Detected Contaminants: 22

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 55.01


Corpus Christi, TX

Number of Contaminants: 11

Other Detected Contaminants: 17

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 54.98


Fort Worth, TX

Number of Contaminants: 10

Other Detected Contaminants: 20

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 54.49


Amarillo, TX

Number of Contaminants: 11

Other Detected Contaminants: 18

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 53.98


Rockford, IL

Number of Contaminants: 12

Other Detected Contaminants: 17

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:10

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 2

Dirty Water Score: 52.70


Brownsville, TX

Number of Contaminants: 12

Other Detected Contaminants: 17

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 52.46



McKinney, TX

Number of Contaminants: 11

Other Detected Contaminants: 20

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 51.98


El Paso, TX

Number of Contaminants: 10

Other Detected Contaminants: 23

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 51.49 43968841 water filter


Dallas, TX

Number of Contaminants: 10

Other Detected Contaminants: 23

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 51.49


McAllen, TX

Number of Contaminants: 12

Other Detected Contaminants: 18

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 51.46

Industrial wastewater
Industrial wastewater


Lubbock, TX

Number of Contaminants: 12

Other Detected Contaminants: 18

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 51.46


Frisco, TX

Number of Contaminants: 11

Other Detected Contaminants: 21

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 50.98


Plano, TX

Number of Contaminants: 11

Other Detected Contaminants: 21

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 50.98


Pasadena, CA

Number of Contaminants: 14

Other Detected Contaminants: 14

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:11

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 1

Dirty Water Score: 50.67


Irving, TX

Number of Contaminants: 10

Other Detected Contaminants: 24

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 50.49


Garland, TX

Number of Contaminants: 11

Other Detected Contaminants: 22

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 49.98


Midland, TX

Number of Contaminants: 13

Other Detected Contaminants: 17

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:30

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 6

Dirty Water Score: 49.95


Modesto, CA

Number of Contaminants: 13

Other Detected Contaminants: 20

Rank of Number of Manufacturing Establishments/Sq. Mile:11

Rank of the total Farm Ag. Chemical Expenses: 1

Dirty Water Score: 47.19 W10413645A water filter

Posted on

SHOCK! Fluoride in Water is Killing You

coconut carbon

Americans Have Overdosed On Fluoride In Drinking Water

Fluoride, additionally called salt, could be a spinoff of salt. It’s notable that fluoride helps to strengthen the teeth. Fluoride could be a natural part found within the surroundings.

Though useful once eaten in a very low dose, prolonged exposure and consumption will cause serious health issues. Uptake of fluoride will cause gastrointestinal disturbances at a dose of a minimum of a 100 mg for a 50 kg individual.

True so, fluoride is useful in dental health, however, massive consumption will interfere with bone formation. The normally affected people are youngsters and pregnant ladies.

Fluoride is of course found in groundwater. Though there are artificial fluorides that are with chemicals created and combined with a bound product like dentifrice to assist strengthen and color teeth, the waste materials from these product coming back from bound industries will leak through the soil and might contaminate the general public water.

fluoride in water
fluoride in water

Some countries that rely on groundwater as a supply of potable are gravely affected since groundwater have present fluoride.

The Lethality of Fluoride in the Body

As counseled by the globe Health Organization, the therapeutic level of fluoride to supply optimum dental health is at intervals zero.5 to 1.0 mg/L (milligrams per liter), which depends on the climate also. The counseled most quantity of fluoride in water ought to be at intervals zero.7 milligrams per cubic decimeter to one.2 mg/L.

The fluoridation method was adscititious to the general public water system to confirm that the community is receiving a useful quantity to assist teeth and bone formation.

Though fluoride is excreted chiefly through excretory product and excrement, it still isn’t best to require larger doses. Fluoride is sometimes the merchandise of dissolved granite rocks that ooze through the soil and mix with water. Fluoride toxicity is noticeable thanks to the excessive bone formation by the affected individual, particularly seen in youngsters.

dirty water is killing people who drunk it
dirty water is killing people who drunk it

Water Fluoridation

Similar to different countries, water fluoridation in America is arguably. As of May 2000, 42 of the cities in America had water fluoridation. the primary cities to fluoridate square measure Michigan and urban center in Jan 1945 to forestall cavity in their communities.

In 1951, the United States Public Health Service created it a politician policy to fluoridate the general public water system. Meanwhile, in the 1960s, it had become widely used and reached around fifty million individuals. By 2012, 67.1% of the population in America square measure overwhelming water from the community water systems that have fluoride at intervals or on top of the suggested levels.

clean fluoride in water
clean fluoride in water


The water fluoridation in the communities of America is partly because of the research spearheaded by Dr. Frederick McKay. He ignited the curiosities of the community and started an investigation into the ‘Colorado Brown Stain.’ Today, this is known as the Dental Fluorosis which is characterized by pitting and cracking of the teeth.

In 1909, Dr. McKay examined 2,945 children from the Pikes Peak region. He found out that this is due to poor nutrition, radium exposure, and calcium deficiency in the water.

Meanwhile, the researchers from the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) said that the Colorado stain was due to high fluoride ion concentration in the water. The Pikes Peak region contain cryolite which contains fluoride. When it rains or snows heavily, the dissolved fluoride made its way to the water system.

In the next years, experts determined the safe level of fluoride which must be added to water supplies. The research aims to warn areas with high fluoride concentration. Also, it targets those communities with low fluoride to add more in the water to prevent tooth decay.

Court Case

Fluoridation is one of the common subjects of court cases where activities sued various municipalities. They said that there is an infringement of their rights on due process and medical treatment by having compulsory water fluoridation.

Many people sued authorities due to illnesses that they think were due to fluoridation. In the majority of the cases, the court held that there are no connections between water fluoridation and health problems.

Africa boy is smiling at camera and using water
Africa boy is smiling at camera and using water

As of today, there is no federal or state court has found the water fluoridation to be unlawful. More often, the courts held in favor of the cities or municipalities.

The Controversy

Supporters of the pro-fluoridation believe that the treatment is effective and safe even for the children. It is endorsed by the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention and the American Dental Association.

On the other hand, the cons say that it is unethical since it does not ask for individual consent. Many people don’t even know about it. For them, fluoridation is unnecessary since there are products like toothpaste that can be purchased by parents for their children.

Is Fluoride Bad For The Body?

Fluoride is toxic at various concentrations. In 2006, a research done by the National Research Council supported by the Environmental Protection Agency found out that the upper limit for fluoride is at 4 ppm. However, it was too high for kids thus they can develop severe dental fluorosis. The EPA recommends lowering the ppm level.                

Meanwhile, the CDC believes that 1 ppm of fluoride, when added to water, is safe and effective.

the normal water value should in our body
the normal water value should in our body

However, here are some of the health risks that the overexposure to fluoride poses:

Health Risks

Dental Fluorosis

The authorities recommend that fluoride content must be within 0.7 ppm only. If the concentration is above 4.0 ppm, it can be already hazardous.                   frigidaire water filter

Children exposed to high concentrations of fluoride during the developmental stage of childhood can lead to mild dental fluorosis. It is when little white streaks begin to form in the enamel of the teeth. Although dental fluorosis may not affect the health of the teeth, however, it can be a big threat to the discoloration. Furthermore, the staining is noticeable.

Damaged tooth & Normal tooth
Damaged tooth & Normal tooth

Skeletal Fluorosis

Apart from dental fluorosis, overexposure to fluoride can cause skeletal fluorosis. This is where the bones and the joints are very painful, which can happen over the years.

The bones may become less elastic and it may harden. As such, the risk of fractures increases. If the bone tissue accumulate and it thickens, it can add to the impaired joint mobility.

Skeletal Fluorosis
Skeletal Fluorosis

Thyroid Problems

Excessive fluoride levels can lead to the damage of the parathyroid glands, which can further result in hyperparathyroidism. This disease is known as the uncontrolled discharge of the parathyroid hormones.                refrigerator water filter 

If fluoride is eaten in massive amounts, it will cause depletion within the bone structures and become additionally vulnerable to fractures. Also, it will cause the on top of traditional concentrations of metallic element within the blood.

thyroid problem
thyroid problem

Neurological Problems

A study printed in 2017 shows that overexposure to halide before birth will cause poor psychological feature issues because the kid develops.                      Crystala water filter

The study was exhausted, 299 pregnant girls. they need to be monitored the ladies throughout gestation and as they furnish birth to their youngsters. The study additionally determined youngsters as they age between vi to twelve years previous.

They tested the psychological feature ability of the kids from four years previous, vi years previous, and twelve years previous. it’s been noted that higher halide levels area unit associated with lower IQ scores.

neurological system
neurological system

Furthermore, halide has been documented as a neurotoxin in 2014. it’s risky to the event of the kid alongside numerous industrial chemicals. This area unit arsenic, lead, methylmercury, and dissolving agent. As such, folks should forestall merchandise with these contents.

Meanwhile, here area unit many of the affected organs within the body once excessive fluoride consumption happens:

Fluoride In Body components

Brain – prolonged and high levels of exposure to fluoride will have an effect on the neurodevelopment of kids. once eaten by a pregnant girl, it will gravely have an effect on the baby in an exceedingly manner that it interferes with the physical and psychological development of the babe.

fluoride will hurt brain
fluoride will hurt brain

Bones – related to hip and wrist fractures, harmful levels of fluoride will cause bone weakening.

Kidney – thanks to fluoride-containing medication, fluoride-induced nephrotoxicity occurs. The foremost prone people area unit people who have impaired excretory organ functions. Since elimination depends on the capillary vessel filtration rate, the bigger the harm, the upper the chance.

kidney system
kidney system

Teeth – affirmative, teeth area unit affected too once excessive fluoride is eaten. Medically called dental pathology, it seems as white opaque patches on the enamel of the teeth.

fluoride affecting the teeth
fluoride affecting the teeth

Fluoride Contamination in the drink

Water is additionally contaminated with fluoride thanks to chemical waste merchandise of man and generally a natural prevalence of the surroundings.            LG LT600P water filter

Since some countries still rely on water because the supply of drink and a few harmful pathogens also are the gift, boiling water has become a routine to produce the safe drink, however, there’s no assurance that these pathogens area unit removed.

Since fluoride additionally contaminates public water provides by oozy through the soil, once it goes to the consumer’s home, they’ll be vulnerable to fluoride exposure and toxicity, particularly pregnant girls and kids.

a pregnant is drinking water at sunrise time
a pregnant is drinking water at sunrise time

Us is one amongst the world’s largest fluoride shoppers. Americans area unit gravely exposed to fluoride that’s naturally found within the surroundings and a few fluoride-based merchandises. Larger demand for dentifrice and fluoride-based medication area unit largely consumed by Americans to stay them healthy and to assist them in their daily functions.

Most Americans aren’t aware that they need to be been exposed to giant amounts of fluoride. intense fluoride-rich water, victimization fluoride-formulated dentifrice and taking fluoride-based medication will cause health issues. however are you able to forestall halide toxicity then?

Prevention is usually higher than the Cure

Preventing fluoride toxicity is that the sole thanks to maintaining your health. As a matter of truth, some Americans are overdosed on fluoride and have suffered poorly. Here area unit some tips to forestall fluoride intoxication:

Breastfeed Infants

To help forestall pathology, the most effective factor to try and do is to feed infants. Prepare formula milk victimization fluoride-free water to assist shield babies from pathology.

a baby is been breastfeeding
a baby is been breastfeeding

Choose dentifrice With Lower Fluoride Content

Since fluoride is typically found in a dentifrice, and victimization dentifrice that has lower to no fluoride content is a method to assist color and strengthen teeth.

Moreover, youngsters ages six years previous and below should not use gargle that contains fluoride. folks should supervise their youngsters as they brush their teeth to form certain that they are doing not ingest the dentifrice.

fluoride pentifrice
fluoride pentifrice

Consult Your Doctor

Consulting your doctor before taking fluoride-based medicines may also lower your risk of intoxication.

Asking your doctor if their area unit various medicines that don’t contain fluoride or have a lower fluoride dose is additionally a viable resolution.


Invest within the filter In Your Home

Most significantly, since fluoride is found in water and water is that the most consumed drinkable, it’s imperative to use a filter. 

Crystala water filter products series
Crystala water filter products series

What can water filter do to the fluoride?

The water filter is a filter system to clean the contaminants in the water, the filter element of Crystala water filter is made of coconut carbon block natural material. NSF 42 Certified to effectively reduce 97% of chlorine, fluoride, taste, odor and different toxic impurities for crystal clean water and distinctive smooth taste.     WF3CB water filter

Why we choose the coconut filter element?

Many materials of filter elements in the current market, and we choose to use coconut filter to be the element to Crystala water filter. Why?                  ULTRAWF water filter

Coconut shells gift a renewable choice, since the shells square measure made from a natural resource. The shells, in several cases, would are discarded when the juice was extracted. The trees turn out fruit three years and also the trees aren’t eviscerated once harvested, permitting a homogenous renewable offer.

coconut shell activated carbon is a natural filtrate material
coconut carbon

The shells square measure product of a top-quality kind of carbon that consists of a high share of micro-pores for filtration. The share of micro-pores square measure on top of in carbon fashioned from coal, wood, or lignite. This property makes the substance ideal for filtering out organic contaminants. Not only do coconut shells eliminate lead, however, but they also address tri-halo methanes (THM), pesticides, herbicides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).                      ge water filter

The small pores from coconut shell activated carbon to match the size of contaminants molecules in drinking water and therefore are very effective in trapping them.    

coconut shell activated carbon is a natural filtrate material
a boy is drinking water
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5 types of water dog can’t drink

dog biting a carrot

Water is indispensable in our body. It is also indispensable for dogs. But dogs drink water, but they are also very particular. Look at the water in which case, it is not recommended to drink dogs.

Mineral water

Many people think that mineral water is better for dogs, but drinking mineral water for dogs for a long time is not only expensive but also harmful to the health of dogs. Because the content of metal ions in mineral water is relatively high, long-term drinking is likely to cause too many minerals, and it is easy to form urinary stones, which is dangerous for dogs.          W10295370A

a dog lying next a bottled water
a dog lying next a bottled water

Beverage hydration

In our lives, there are all kinds of drinks. Many times, in addition to drinking boiled water, we humans occasionally drink some drinks, but they cannot completely replace the role of water. In fact, dogs are the same, and some of the substances in the drinks are not known to us. They may also be harmful to dogs. It is not recommended to drink too much of these drinks, either as humans or dogs. Quench thirst.             W10295370A water filter

a man let dog drink
a man let dog drink

Tap water

Don’t think that dogs can drink tap water directly. There is no problem with tap water. There are many impurities and bacteria in the tap water. Dogs are prone to parasites. How can parasitic dogs be healthy? Therefore, it is not recommended that dogs drink tap water directly, and tap water can be boiled to dogs.

tap water provide hydrate to dog
tap water provide hydrate to dog

Water not changed in the basin

The water we drink for the dog, we have to change it regularly, not to change it, why should we change the water regularly for the dog? Because it does not change water for a long time, it is easy to breed bacteria. Dogs are also prone to insects after drinking, so change the water regularly.       W10295370A water filter

gif of a dog drinking water
gif of a dog drinking water

Too hot or frozen water in the refrigerator

Too hot or frozen water is not recommended for dogs. Too hot water can easily burn the dog’s tongue. Too cold water, the dog’s stomach can not adapt, it will easily diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems.

dog eating a ice cream
dog eating a ice cream

Dog diet notes:

It is also important that the dog’s diet is healthy. Dogs need to consume the right amount of sugar, protein, fat, 20 minerals, and 13 vitamins a day. Therefore, it is usually necessary to feed it with some nutrient-balanced and rich dog food to meet its daily needs. You can choose some high-quality natural fresh dog food, recommend not to greasy natural dog food, low oil and low salt 0 additives, including A variety of trace elements, beautiful hairy tears. Usually with some fresh fruits and vegetables, so the dog nutrition is very sufficient!                    ULTRAWF water filter

a dog biting a carrot
a dog biting a carrot

Conclusion: In fact, it is best to drink a cool white dog, but also pay attention to regular water changes.

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The Reasons Why We should drink more water in winter

drink more water in winter

We all recognize the importance of staying hydrous throughout the nice and cozy summer months, but for many of us, our water intake declines over winter. There are less visible reminders to make sure you drink water and you’re less seemingly to feel thirst within the cooler weather than you’d throughout hot summer days. However, it’s even additional necessary to drink ample water throughout winter than it’s throughout summer. Here are 5 key reasons why you ought to up your water intake to remain healthy and hydrous over the winter months.

Hand holding a glass of water
Hand holding a glass of water

1. Fight Winter Dehydration

As the weather cools, we discover ourselves wrapping up in additional layers and turning on the warmers. This by artificial means heat surroundings is in addition to the dry air of artificial heating that ends up in winter dehydration. Winter dehydration is tougher to note – notably if you’re not sweating and you’re feeling cool.

You may not have completed that you simply haven’t drunk any water throughout the day, notably as your body’s thirst response considerably diminishes in cooler weather. However, dehydration will cause vital impacts on your well-being. it’s important you retain hydrous to manage your blood heat, permitting your blood to hold necessary nutrients and chemical element around your body and take away toxins from your body.          ge mwf water filter

A woman is drinking water in a thermos cup
A woman is drinking water in a thermos cup

During winter your body loses wet in different ways in which, like the water vapor you see from your mouth and nose once you area unit outside in weather condition, this might not be as noticeable as a key summer sweating indicator, however, shouldn’t be neglected yet.

Remember, simply because you’re not thirsty doesn’t mean that your body is hydrous.            ge water filter

2. Improve Your Skin

The dry and infrequently stagnant air created from heating and heated air-conditioning will extremely take its toll on your skin. The dry air and therefore the distinction between being in a very heat area to going outside within the cold will cause your skin to crack and chap. Water is significant to keep your skin cells full and hydrous, reducing the chance of chapping and peeling.

Water additionally removes impurities in your body, which, once not well-hydrated, will come back through via your pores, inflicting blemishes.            fridge water filter

A girl hold a cup of water near her face
A girl hold a cup of water near her face

Dull skin is another winter downside with the mix of dry air and an absence of association. Keep your skin glowing by drinkable at regular intervals, despite the very fact you’ll not feel thirsty.

3. Be additional Energetic

Are you a fan of the mid-afternoon slump or maybe want a noontide alkaloid boost to assist you to chase away fatigue? it seems you’re tormented by dehydration, a significant reason behind daytime fatigue. Keeping well hydrous can guarantee your bodily functions area unit supported and running expeditiously. once you area unit dehydrated your body functions hamper and fritter away your additional energy resources, feat you feeling tired and sluggish.                  refrigerator filter

Which link you and health is water
Which link you and health is water

Keep a glass of water at hand and sip frequently to stay you alert and energetic throughout the day.

4. Fight Winter Weight Gain

When the weather is miserable and therefore the day’s area unit dark our bodies need comforting; usually this manifests itself in food – usually extremely hot and unhealthy. Before tucking in, why not drink a glass of water beforehand? Our brains usually mistake thirst for hunger and when drinkable that hunger trigger has been glad. this implies you’ll not feel the requirement to snack or eat additional food and might resist the temptation easier.         refrigerator water filter

A fat woman wearing a Christmas hat and handing a pie
A fat woman wearing a Christmas hat and handing a pie

Being well hydrous additionally helps our organic {process|biological process} systems to operate and process food higher, that is significant throughout the months once we tend to over consume. make certain you drink lots of water to present your body a hand in digesting food.

5. Defend Your system

The winter months may be a testing time for our immune systems, with the numerous mobile viruses that we have a tendency to all appear liable to. Dehydration will seriously weaken our immune systems barriers. the shortage of water will dry out the mucosa membranes in our lungs and sinus passages which may cut back their resistance to infections.

Keeping well hydrous throughout winter ensures that the barriers accustomed defend your body from colds and respiratory disorder area unit absolutely purposeful and utterly intact.

A doctor handing a heart
A doctor handing a heart

To ensure you keep fighting work throughout the winter, make certain you retain drinkable frequently and fight back against the viruses.

Hopefully, these 5 reasons are going to be enough to prompt you to stay your water intake up throughout the cooler months and keep you cheerful and healthy on the within and outdoors.